T.A. 03996

6 Sister, when you walk upon gold, think about what was prornised you in life and what you have received , what was adrn ired and what despised , frorn you and others ahead , next to and after you, what was unnecessary and what usefu l , what was heavy and what light, and th ink as you wa lk what it is you're wa lking upon and what is thereby revea led . You're doing it by your own effort, and only you decide how you app ly it. Think about your: Tread: Mind that you don ' t fall. Elderly ladies can easi ly fal l down on slippery ice and break arrns and legs. Osteoporosis. Take care that you don 't set foot too forcefully-that ' s ine legant for a girl. A wornan rnust step lightly, step short. Wear high-heeled shoes , then it ' s involuntary. A wornan rnust step to the side. Have a sure tread. Men have a sure tread . The big entrance. Show stars have that. Or defense attorneys in court. They defend cu lprits. Who defends the victirns? They really appear as witnesses. Then why are they so intirnidated by defense attorneys? Enter: Enter into Life. lnto schoo l. lnto service . lnto a profess ion. lnto the rni li tary. lnto a (politica l) party. lnto an association. lnto rnarriage . lnto the footsteps of others . Stand for sornething. That's unwornanly. Stand up for yourself. Do you think it necessary? Kick doors open. One rnust not do that. What everyone rnust not do , warnen certainly rnust not do. Enter a convent . A wornan rnay surely do that. Start: A job. A function. A rnotorcycle. Off to a footba ll garne. To a battle. To a test of strength. He wants to know for sure. To a beauty contest. Does she also want to know for sure? To a sentencing. lntervene: When two quarre l. lf one is big enough. Strang enough . lf one rnay. lf one shou ld . lf one is a judge. Arbitrator. Maya wornan also? When chi ldren quarrel , of course. Join: Join an associati on. A group. Anyone. A wornan? Assemble: As do respectab le rnen. Officially. In splendid clothing. In counci l. In cl1urch. In a fraternity. Dishonest ones browbeat weal<er ones. Many respectab le persons do that at harne. Outcrop: Wl1en vio lence crops out , most of us are sl1ocked. Th at rnust not rea l ly be true . But to cornbat vio lence, let the people know. Familiarize: Step closer. Look. Buy. Earlier, warnen were so ld. Balls , festiva ls, displayed as li ving goods. Strict rules of play. Look but don 't tauch . Keep your distance. Decorurn. No playing rules today. Anyone can come near. Confrontation? Step closer? Stand out frorn the crowd? Ernerge frorn the dirnness? What is too near? Who decides what is too near? Misstep: To the side. So lidarity. Wa lk along by-paths. Lose footing complete ly. Sidestep. False step. Broken foot. Broken marriage. Shattered sou l. Floor: The pedals . Your nerves .