The "Steyr" Automatic Pocket Pistol

The Steyr Auto1natic Poclce t Pistol 0·250 and 0·301 in. bore 5 The Steyr Automatic Pocket Pistol \V ith sp1·ing tilting bar1-el, 1909 -patt e rn, 6·35 '1'1111, (0·250 i11. bore), 7-shot, and 7· 65 · 11 1ni (0 ·301 in. bo1·e), 8-sl1ot. Description, applicable to both sizes . The characterjstic feature of the Steyr pistol is that it is the first automatic pistol in the \VOrld vvith a tilting bar1-el. As in sporting weapons, the barrel ca11 be tilted at will by turning a l{ey and exerting a slight pressure, vvhereupo11 the cartridge chamber is rendered acces- sible. This feature of the Steyr pistol is of the greatest importance, since it affords the po.3sibility of loading the pistol by hand, shot by shot, \Vitl1 tl1e magazine full, unloading it vvitl1out danger· and inspecting th.e interior of the barrel at a11y moment and thus of ascertaining in the simplest possible manner \Vhether the pistol is loaded or not. The tilting of the barrel tal{es place aL1tomati- cally and simultaneot1sly effects the at1tomatic ejection of ~1ny cartridge that n1ay b e co11taincd therein. F1·om the above it is cl ea1· that the unloading, i11spection and cl eaning of tl1e weapon can b e effected without the slightest clanger , in the simplest manner and almost instantaneously.