The "Steyr" Automatic Pocket Pistol
4 OE. W. G. The Stey1· automatic pocket pistol with tilting bar1·el is moreover far and away the safest pocket-r pistol at present in existence. Its ballistic advantages, lightness, small11ess, elegance and strength are also so obvious that one is forced to tl1e conc111sion that it js the most practical and b est weapon of the kind now existing . The works of the Austrian Small Arms Co. a1·e capabl e of producing 750. 000 weapons of various types pe1· annum. This gives an output p e1· week of 15.000 and a daily output of 2500. More thah 6 millions of weapons for mili- tary purposes have al1·eady been delive1·ed from Steyr to nearly all the gove1·nments of the ,vorld. Like the \:\ 1 eapons for milita1·y pu1-poses, th·c new Steyr pocket pistol will very soon secure the approval and confidence of the purchase1·. STEYR, May 1909.
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