The "Steyr" Automatic Pocket Pistol

The Austrian Small Arms Co. of Steyr is known far a11d wide on account of its exceptional faciliti es for the manufact u1·e of milita1·y a1·ms and b y reason of the many inventi ons in smal l arms for military purposes which it has introduced. The Company manufactu1·es all t ypes of infant1·y 1·if1es from the Werndl and I{ropat sche1< to the lVIannliche1·, Mauser and lVIannlicher-Schonauer, al so the Schwa1·zlose machine gun and various t ypes of automatic army pistols. Not less famous thar1 the great output of t he wo1·lzs is tl1e st1·ong, accurate and modern construction of the Steyr weapons. The sp ecial feature of the Stey1· products is however the interchangeability of the diffe1·ent part s due to the accuracy of manufactu1·e. This method of worl{ing is now applied by the Aust1·ian Small Arms Co. to an auton1atic pocltet pistol. The Company, in this weapon, are bringing a new extremely light a11d l1andy pocl{et-pistol on tl1e market, which they have ca1·etully selected f1·om the vari ous existing pistols of the same l<ind a11d a1·e convinced that the public wi ll approve their choice.