The "Steyr" Automatic Pocket Pistol

Tl1e Steyr Automati c Pocket Pist ol 0·250 and 0·301 in. bore 25 Names and Numbers of the Components. 1. Barrel. 2. Ba1·rel-screw. 3. Tilting leve1· and screw. 4. Casing. 5. Bolt. 6. Bolt-brake-spring and screw. 7. Firing-pin. 8. Fi1·ing -pin-se t- screw. 9. Firing-piD. spring . 10. Bolt-bearing. 11. Bolt-bearing-screw. 12. Coupling-1·od. and nut. 13. Return spring. 14. Lock: hammer and pin. 15. Main sp1·ing. 16. Main-spri 11g pres- ser-1·od. 17. Safety catch. 18. Trigge1· and pin. 19. Trigger-spring. 20. Triggc1·-releasjng leve1·. • 21. P1·esse1·-1·od. 22. Trigge1·-1·od and • pin. 23. Trigge1·-rod-sp1·i11g and IJin. 24. Magazine and f eed-p1atform. 25. Magazine-catch. 26. H andle -scales and scre,1/s.