The "Steyr" Automatic Pocket Pistol

1'1Je Ste) 1 r Automatic Pocket Pistol 0·250 ancl (>·301 in. bore 19 Safety device. The pistol is put t o <<safety» \vhen the safety lever G is in the horizontal position (Figure 8) \Vl1e1·eby the letter S is rcnde1·cd visible . Figu re 8. The Steyr pistol in its safety position. .. " . l!h. I Figure 9. The Steyr pistol in its.firing position. 1.. 11c pistol is brought out of the safct,-1 position \ \il1c11 tl1e saret\" le \·er i :::: 111C>\ 1 C:d to,,·ai·ds tl1c~ l1a1 cl! , · ;1 tl tl1i.; lctte1· .s tr ·rL l ,) CC.> c· 1 ·c(1. ( ;i~·t (, s.)