The "Steyr" Automatic Pocket Pistol
The Steyr Automatic P ocket Pistol .0·250 and 0·301 in . bore 13 The first c-artridge is then laid on the feed - platform D of the magazine C and, by pressing it down, brought beneath the corners .E'. The other cartridges are introduced in the same manner, for which purpose the cartridges already in the magazine are p1·essed down from the top and the new cartridges pushed b eneath the corners E. (Figure 2.) V Figure 2. Charging the magazine. Cocking the hammer. The bolt F (Figure 3) is dra\vn baclz and allowed to fly forward, whe1·eupon the pistol is 1·eady for fir ing. (This operation is only required for the first shot , in order to cock the hamme1·, which is afte1·- wards aut omatically cocl{ed by the firing of each shot .)
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