Migration - Eine Zeitreise nach Europa

The Partner museums are * Arbejdermuseet(The Worker's Museum)COPENHAGEN, Denmark (Coordination) * Museum Arbeitswelt(Museum of the World of Werk)STEYR, Austria * Arbetets museum (Museum of Work) NORRKÖPING, Sweden * People's History Museum MANCHESTER, United Kingdom * Berliner Plattform (Berlin platform): Nachbarschaftsmuseum (Neighbourhood Museum) Museumspädagogischer Dienst Berlin (Museum Services Berlin), Deutsches Technikmu seum (German Museum of Technology), Museum Europäischer Kulturen (Museum of European Cultures) BERLIN, Germany * Museum der Arbeit(Museum of Work) HAMBURG, Germany * Museu de la Giencia i de la Tecnica de Catalunya (Museum of Science and Technology in Catalonia) TERRASSA, Barcelona, Spain For a long time migration and multiculturalism appeared to be phenomena primarily concentrated in big cities. But this is not always the case. Independent of the size of the cities we find 11,4% of foreign nationale in Copenhagen, 15,5 % in Hamburg, 12,6 % in Steyr, Austria, 12,2% in Norrköping, Sweden, 13% in Berlin and 11,4 % in Manchester(2001). Migration is really a phenomenon which one can find anywhere in Europe. Only in Spain the number of non-citizens is significantly smaller, we do not have exact figures from Terrassa. In Barcelona the percentage of foreign nationale is 4,9 % and the Catalonian capital is located nearby Terrassa. Responsibilities: Michael John (research, contents), Manfred Lindorfer (architecture, design), Gottfried Hattinger (graphics), Jürgen Eilermeyer (Hamburg), Anne-Lise Walsted (Copenhagen), Kate Chatfield (Manchester), Elisabeth Tietmeyer (Berlin), Torsten Nilsson (Norrköping), Udo Wiesinger (coordination), Myna Trustram (editor). Timetable for the touring exhibition Copenhagen February - March 2003 Manchester May - June 2003 Terrassa September - October 2003 Hamburg November 2003- February 2004 Steyr March - April 2004 Berlin May - July 2004 Norrköping August- November 2004 See the network's Website : http://www.migration-identity.org/