Migration - Eine Zeitreise nach Europa

The exhibition will show that Immigration, mobility and pluralism are part of shared culture and is thus meant to make a small contribution to an elaboration and discussion of the roots of European identity. What is it - what is European Identity ? After all we currently find Ourselves at a crossroads - which direction will the European Union take - Fortress Europe or Multicultural European Union ? The touring exhibition is one of the international activities of the collaborative project „Migration, Work and Identity. A History of People in Europe, Told in Museums". It has been selected by the European Commlssion to be part of the „Culture 2000" Programme. Each of the seven partner museums carries out a research and exhibition Programme on migration, working life and cultural identity. The museums will share their work with each other and so develop a European perspective on the theme of migration and identity. The center of the network is Copenhagen, where the touring exhibition was opened on 18 February 2003. The project Partners had commissioned the Museum Arbeitswelt in Steyr, Austria to conceive and design „Crossing Borders", which will be shown In seven eitles during the years 2003 and 2004. The touring exhibition is the second arrangement which is going to be designed by the Museum Arbeitswelt In Steyr, the national exhibition is named „migration. eine zeitreise nach europa" and it is different from „Crossing Borders". The text of the international touring exhibition is in English language. Bisnrs NsrdcrtlbstroN ArgtntiniinbrUcKt und zurück AfliinodrBiH — Kommiflwn ndtorhöft Hamburg, Germany: The port, trades and industries have attracted people from all parts of the world.