3. Jahresbericht HAK Steyr 1989/90

Afterwards we sat down in a oafe and we had a conversation about the Pro blems of different states. Tuesday For many pupils Stonehenge, Windsor Castle and Eton wäre the destination Points on Tuesday. I didn't accompany them, because Michael and Matthew told me, that it isn't worth travelling to a pile of stones on such a short stay. The journey took for those, who travelied to these sights, more than 2 hours. They had to pay an entrance-fee to visit -—^ /iM /jS /iS the „stones". The weather was windy and coid there. They reached Windsor Castle after a short deiay. Windsor is situated on top of a hiii. There was an elevatorto transport the visitors. The Castie was very beautifuiiy equipped with expensive iarge carpets, dishes made of goid und siiver and exciusive paintings. A bed in pink was one of the attractions, which pleased one of my colleagues. The peopie, who stayed at „home" went Shopping in Oxford Street, Carnaby Street and Regent Street. We entered most of the shops in this area. The clothes were very beautifui, this is an effect due to the mixture of stränge cultures in London. It was wonderful. I bought a Songbook at Harrods, be cause it was much cheaper than in Austria! After dinner we went to pubs in Wimbledon and in the city of London again. The pubs in these areas were very cosy, and the drinks were not very expensive. Sieeping time was in the morning of Wednesday. Wednesday We had the second 11 am waik iuckily with the same guide. This day he showed us the Historie City, St. Paui's and the famous buiidings next to St. Paul's. He told us some details of the Great Fire, which happened in the 17th Century, of Sir Wren, the architect of St. Paui's and of Lioyd's insurance Company. In the afternoon many of us used their time to talk to new friends at the YMCA or they were Shopping in the City. A small group including myself celebrated the birthday of one coileague in a pub-disco near Picadiiiy Circus. In England it isn't aiiowed to order an aicoholic drink in a pub under the age of 18. This is a reason why so many English youngsters spend their sparetime on public places, due to these laws the fast-food-restaurantes are much better in England, because of the iarge number of youngsters, who want to sit down somewhere.