3. Jahresbericht HAK Steyr 1989/90

served to us every morning the whole stay as well as the dinner in the evening. In the morning we went to Petticoat-Lane-Market by coach, because on Sunday there is always the famous street market. There was a crowd of people in the streets and around the booths. It was a wonderfui feeling to take a bath in the mass. I think everyone enjoyed Shopping and watching the goods which were offered. On this day I realized that London is filthy, 'cause many peopie don't use the litterbins. But London is great and an exciting mixture of many cultures, you can get this impression by looking at the fashion and jewellery and certainly the peopie. In the afternoon we travelied by bus to Hyde Park and we walked to the Speaker's Corner. I didn't know that London had such a iot of parks. We took a iot of photographs of the lecturers and Bobbies in this area. The main problems of the lecturers were God and the world and the poll-tax. The rest of the week we went around by Underground, 'cause it takes you too iong by your own car or coach. In the evening we had a Chance to meet friends of Mrs. Scherhammer, they were between 14 and 17. First we waiked through Wimbledon, up the Hill to a pub. We had dinner in a fast-food restaurant. A smali group of Austrians, including myself, and four of the English went to Picadiiiy Gircus and Trafalgar Square. We had a Iot of fun there. We climbed up the monument and somebody took a photo of us. There were many shops nearby, which offered funny Services. You can make video-ciips for 20 pounds, design your own T-Shirt or take an old-fashioned photograph. Very late in the evening we were back in the YMGA, just in time betöre the porter closed the door. Monday Gn this day we had an 11 am walk (guided-tour). Our guide showed Westminster and the famous buildings of Royal London to US. He was very nice, and he had a very good pronunciation, but he wasn't English, he was of American origin. His knowledge of history was very good, and so we could get a good impression of London in the past centuries. He made also some jokes, which were reaily good. It was very interesting but strenuous. In the afternoon we were allowed to go whereever we wanted. The main part of our group went Shopping in famous streets of London or they visited the sights. In the evening hours I went with Allan Poll, a new friend of mine, into the centre of London. Gn Trafalgar Square something stränge happened, suddenly an American giri asked for the way to the next bureau de change, 'cause she wanted to change money. When talking to her, I found out that she was a Student at the university of Klagenfurt. Funny, isn't it?