97. Jahresbericht des Bundes-Realgymnasiums Steyr 1979/80

CHRIS : What? Do I raise the dead when I put him behind bars? Then w1hat'll I do it for? We us ed to shoot a man who acted like a dog, but hon.o'l1r was real the!'e, you were protecting ,sometihing. But her•e·? Tihis is the land of the great big do-gs, yo'u don't love a man here, you eiat hfo1! That's the principle; the only one we live by - it just happened to kill a few people this time, th.at' ,s all. The wor!td's that way, how can I llake it out 011 him ? What sense ,d.oes that mak e? This is a zoo, a zoo ! ANN [to MOTHER]: You know what he'.s got to do! Tell him! MOTHER: Let him go. ANN: l won ' t Jet him go. You ' ll teil him what he's got to ,do MOTHER: Annie! ANN: J:hen l will! /KELLER e11ters from hause. CHRlS sees hiM1./ KELLER: What's the m1atte-r wi th you? I want to talk to you. CHRIS : l've ,got nothiJtg to say to you. KELLER [tahin g his arm ]: I want to talk to you ! CHRIS [pu ll i11g vio lently away from /1i111 ) : Don't do that, Dad. l'm gofog to hurt you H you do that. There's no th ing to say, so say it qujck. KELLER: Exactly what',s the matter? What's the matter? You got too much money? 1s that what bothers you? CHRIS [with a,1 edge of sarcasm]: lt bothers me . KELLER: lf you can ' t get used to it, then t hrow it away. You hear me? Take every cent and giy,e it to charity, throw it in the sewer. Does that settle it? ln the sewer, that's all. You think I'm kid- djng? I'm teWn ' you what to do , if it 's dirty then burn it. It's your money, thiat's not my money. l'm a dead man , l'm a11 ol,d dead man , noth~ng's 111i11 e. Weil , talk to me! What do you wa nt to do! CHRlS : lt's not what I want to do. l t's what you want to do. KELLER: What should l want to ,do? [CHRIS is silent. ] Jail? You want me to go to jail? If you wa nt me to go, say so! ]s rhat where I belang? Th en te l1 me so! [Slight pause.] What's the matter, why can ' t ym1 tel1 me? [Furiously] You say everyt hin g eise to me, ,say that! [Sligut pause.] I'll teil you why you can ' t s-ay it. Because you know I don't belang there. Because yo u know ! [With growi11g emphasis and passio11 , a11d a persiste11t tone of desperat ion] Who worked for nothin ' in that war? When they work for not.hin ', I ' ll work for nothin' . Di•d t hey ship a gun or a truck outa Detroit before they got t heir pr,ice? Js rhat clean? lt's ·dollar,s and cents , nickds and dimes ; war and peace, it's nickels arud. djmes, what's clean? Half the goddam country is gotta go if 1 go ! Timt ' s wihy you can't tel1 me. 8. C-Klass•e (Prof . Elfri ede Maisser) 1. M011ey Is Not Ev,erything (3 Kandidaten) 2. The Uses and Abuses of tbe Mass Media. A critical ,ana.lysis o•f the morals of adverüsing. (12 KaJ11rudaten) 3. Which ins,tititions acces•siblie to modern man are apt to ensure peac,e i111 our woTld? (4 Kandidaten) 69