97. Jahresbericht des Bundes-Realgymnasiums Steyr 1979/80

6 8 ANN: Kate, dear, l'm so sorry ... l'm so sorry. (CHR IS e11 ters f ro1+t drive 1vay. He see1,11s ex/,,austed.) CHRIS: Wh,at's the matte.r . . .? Sit down, both of you. I'll S'ay what there is to say. Mother ... l'm going away. There are a couple of firms in Cleveland.. l thii,k 1 can get a place. I mean, l'm goi:ng away for good. CHRlS: l couM jatll him I could jai•I him, if I were hum,an m1y mor e. But l'm h~e eve rybody else now. l'm ppactica l now. MOTHER' Bu t yo u have to be. CHRIS : The cats i:n that alley are practical, the bums who ran away when we wer,e fighting were practic-al. Only the dea:d ones weren't pracbical. But now I'm practical, and I spit on myseU. I'm goi ng away. I'm gojng now. ANN (Goes up to /,,i11,1): I'm coming with you. CHRIS: No, Ann. ANN: Chris, I don' t a,sk you to -do anythin g abo·ut Joe. CHRIS: You do, you do ... ANN: I swear I never wi ll . CHRIS : ln your heart you always wi ll. ANN: T hen do what yo u hav e to do ! CHR[S: Do what? What is there to ,do? l've looked all ni ght for a reason to make him stuffer . ANN: The t'e's reiason , there's re,ason ! CHRIS : What? Do l ra ise the dead when I put him beh.ind bars? Then what ' Jl I ,d,o it for? We used to shoot a man who acted like a dog , but honor wa,s r,ea l there yo u were pro tecting something. But here? This is the la nd of bhe great big dogs , you don ' t love a man here, yo u eat him! That ' s the principle; the only one we live by - it jmt happenoo to kill a few people this time, tha t's a ll. The world' s that way , how can l take it o,ut on him? Whiat sense does that make? This is a zoo, a zoo! J. Write a pr'ecis of thi,s passage in about 100 - 150 words. 2. laterpretacion: Interpret these lines in the light o,f the whole play. DisCllss t,he question o,f illusion and reality and show the different scal es of va lll'es of faoher and son. 8 . B-Klasse (Prof . Klotz) The following text is taken .from „All My S011s". 1. Write a short SUMMARY of the given text in about 100 wor,ds. 2. INTERPRETATION 1and ANALYSIS: Discuss to what extent - if at all - Joe Keller ii,s ,gui:lty of hia,ving kill ed those 21 pilots; do not forget to mention Steve ' s part . Remember the line „Who workoo for nothin' in that wa,r " a 11d compare intention,al nmrd er, Jo e Keller ' s deed, and the ki lling of thousands in war-s. CHRIS: Do wha,t? What is h,ere to do? I've looked all night for a reason to 1nake him s,uffer. ANN: There' s rea.son, tihere',s reason!