97. Jahresbericht des Bundes-Realgymnasiums Steyr 1979/80

S. C-Klasse (Prof. Eddwrd) 1. ., Drei Ziele se tzt sich der Mensch: das Nützliche, das Schön.e, das Gute" . (Aris totdes) (7 Kandjdaten) 2. ., Ein Zus 1 a111menleben der Menschen ist atLf rue Da uer unmöglich ohne ein oberstes Prinzip der O r-dnung" . (9 Kandidaten) 3 . ., Die Schulen sLnd Werkstätten der Humanität, in 1 dem sie ohne Zweif.el bewirken, diaß die Menschen wirkliche Menschen werden". (Comeruiu s) Glauben Sie, ,daß di,es für di e Schulen von h eute zu tri.fft? (3 Kandi,daten) ENGL l SC H - 29. April 1980 8 . A-Klasse (Prof. Staslrn) The following text is taken from ALL MY SONS by Arthur Miller ANN: ] ' II do nothin g about Jo,e, but you 're go ing to do something for me. (Directfy to MOTHER .) You made Ch ris feel guilty with me. Whether you wanted to or not, you've crippled him in front of me. l'd like yo u to teil him that Larry is dead an,d that yo,u know it . You understand me? I wa111t you to ,set him free . Arud ohen I promise you, ev·erything will end, ,and we' ll go away, and that ',s ,all. KELLER: You ' ll ,do that. You'Il tel1 him. ANN: l know what I'm askirng, Kate. Yo u had two sons. But you've only got one n.ow. An1d you've got to say it to him so he knows you mean it. MOTHER: My dear, if the boy was -dea,d, it wouLdn't depend on my words to ma!ke Ghris know it ... Th e ruight h e gets into your bed, his hea rt will dry up . Beoause he knows and you knorw. To his 1 dyi111g day ,he'll wait for his brotherl No, my dear, 110 such thing. You're go,ing in the morning, and you're going alq:ne . ANN: Larry is dea1d, Kate. He c11ash ed oH the coast o•f China November twenty-fifth! His engine didn ' t 6ail him. But rh e di ed. I know . .. MOTHER: How did he ,die? You 're lying to me. If you know, how did he die? (S/,,e sees ANN tahe a fett er from 11er pochet.) What's that? ANN: Sit down ... (MOTHER 111oves feft to cl1air, but does not sit .} First you've got to urnders tan-d. When I came, I didn' t have any idea that J oe . .. I ,ha,d nothing ,against him or you . I came to get married. I hoped .. . So I didn't bring thi·s to hurt you. 1 though t l 'd show it to you only if th ere was no other way to settle Larry in yom mill!d. MOTHER: Larry? (Snatc'1es fett er from ,ANN's f1and.) ANN: He wrote it to me just before he - (MOTHER opens and begins to read fetter.) I'm not trying to hurt you , Kate. You made me show it to yo u. You wouJdn' t ,believe me. I told you a hund:reid times, wihy wouI.dn't yo u bdieve me ! MOTHER: Oh, my God ... 67