94. Jahresbericht des Bundes-Realgymnasiums Steyr 1976/77

14 HEHNA CLIFF HBLENA CLIFF HELENA CLIFF JIMMY CLIFF JIMMY CUFF JIMMY CLIFF JIMMY ALISON JIMMY ALISON JIMMY HELENA JIMMY (crossing.). Yes. Pictures? No. (Pause.) Churd1 . (rea lly surprised) . Oh! I see. Both of yo u? Yes. Are yo u coming? Weil . .. I - I haven't read the papers properly yet. Let 's have some tea, shall we? Het sits at the upstage end of the table. Alison is 1-uahing up her face. Presently, ]i 11,1my enters. He comes above the table. Hullo, boyo. Come and have your tea. Why is it that nobod y knows how to treat the paper in this place? Look at them . I haven't eve n glanced at them yet. By the way, can I look at your New - No , you cant't! (Loudly.) You want anythii1g, you pay for it. Uke I have to. Price - Pice ninepence, obtainable from any bookstall ! You're a mean old man , that ' s what you are. What do you want to read it for, anyway ? You've no intellect, no curiosity. lt all j ust waishes over you. Am I right? Right. 0 dear, oh dear! My wife ' s friends! His curios ity about Al ison's preparations won't be denied any langer. He tums ro,111d casually, a,,1d speahs to her. Goin g out? That 's right. On a Sunday eveiiing in this town? Where 011 earth are you go ing? (rising). l'm goi ng out with Helena. That's not a direct ion - that's an aff liction . She crosses to the table, and sits down. He lean s forivard, and addresses her again. I didn 't ask you what was the matter with you. I asked you where you were going. (steadi ly). Sh e' s goi ng to church. You ' re doing what? Silence. Have you go ne out of your mind or something? (To Helena. ) You ' re determined to win her, aren ' t you? When I think of what I ·di,d, what I endured, to get you out - 1. Write a precis of this passage in about 100-150 words, using indirect speech only . The whole passage has some 550 words. 2. Interpretation : Analyse this passage in the li ght of the whole book . Explain the ref erences. Write about the characters men- tioned in this passage and how they develop in the rest of the platy.