94. Jahresbericht des Bundes-Realgymnasiums Steyr 1976/77

1. Write a precis of th1s passage in about 100 to 15'0 words, using indirect speech only. "I1he whole passage has some 500 wor,ds. 2. Int erpretation: Analyse thi s passage in th e light of the whole book. Write about th e diaracters mention ed directly or indirectly in this passage. In which way do the chanac ters develop in the rest of th e play? line 11 : predatory - trying to plunder and rob ; (of animals) trying to hunt down others. s. B-KLasse John Osborne : Lool~ Bacli ih Anger, Act II, Scene I. Co11text : Jimmy and Alison Porter live with Cliff Lewis in one hause. One Sunday evenin g Helena Charles arrives. The Second Act shows vhe situation two weeks later. Helena h as become pa r t of the group. HELENA ALISON HHENA ALISON HELENA ALISON HELENA ALISON HELENA ALISON HE'LENA CLIFF ALISON CLIFF Aliso n, listen to me. You've got to make up your mind what you're going to do. You're going to have a baby, a nd you ha ve an n ew responsibility. Before, it was dif- fe rent - there was only yourself at stake. But you can't go on living i11 thi s way any langer. [' 111 so tired. I dread him coming into the room. Why ha ven 't yo u told him you're •going to have a duld? I don't know. (Sudden ly anticipating Helena's train of tl10ught.) Oh, it's his all right. There couldn't be any doubt of that. You see - (she s111i les). l've n.eveT really wanted anyone else. Listen, darl ing - you've go t to tel1 him . Either he l em-ns to behave like anyon e else, and looks after you - Or? Or you must get ou t of this mad-house . He doesn ' t seem to know what love or anything ,else means . (pointing). You see tha.t bear, a. nd that squi rrel? Well, that's him, and that 's me. Mearting? The game we play: bears and squirrels, squirrels at1d beiars. Helena loohs rather blanh . Yes, it's quite mad , I kno•w. Quite mad. (Pic/1s up the two ani111als.) That's him ... And that's me ... It 's just all we seem to have left . Or had left. Even bears and squir- rels seem to have gone th ei r own wa.ys now. (grippi ng her arn1). Listen to me. You ' ve got to fight him. Fight, or ge t out. Otherwise, he wi ll kill you. Enter Cliff . There you are, dullin' . HulJo, Hel ena . Tea ready? Yes, -dear, it's all rea•dy. Give Jimmy a call, will you? Right. (Yelling.) Hey, you horrible man! Come and get your tea ! (Co111ing in) Going out? 13