94. Jahresbericht des Bundes-Realgymnasiums Steyr 1976/77

12 JIMMY CLIFF JIMMY ALISON JIMMY AL!SON JIMMY ALISON JIMMY ALISON JIMMY You're quite right. But do you know something? Living night and day with another human being has made me predatory and suspicious. I know that the only way of finding out exactly what's going 011 is to catch them when they don't know you're looking. When she goes out, I go through everytlüng - trunks, cases, drawers , book- case, everything. Why? To see if there is something oif me somewhere, a reference to me. I want to know if I'm being betrayed. You look for trouble, don't you? Only because J'm pretty certain of finding it. (Brings out a fetter froi,11 tl1e /,,andbag .) Look at that! Oh, I'm such a fool. This is happening every five minutes of the day. She gets letters . (He i,o/ds it up.) Letters from her mother, letters in which 1'111 not mentioned at all because my name is a dirty word. And what does she do? Enter A fison. He turns to looh at /,,e,-. She writes long letters back to Mummy, and neve r 111en- ti011~ me at all, beca use I'm just a ,dirty word to her too. He t/,, rows t/,,e fett er down at /,,er feet. Weil, what did your friend want? She 's at the station. She's - coming over. I see. She said "Can I come over?" And you said "My husband, Jimmy - if you'll forgive me using such a dirty wo11d, will be delight ed to see you. He 'll kick your face in!" He stands up, unabfe to sustain /,,i s anger, poised on tfte table. (quietfy). She's playing with the company at the Hippo- drome this week, and she can't find anywhere to stay - That I don ' t believe! So I said -she could come here until she fixes something lse. Miss Drury 's got a spare room downstlairs. Why not have her in here? Did you tel1 her to bring her annour? Because she's goi11g to need it! (ve/,,emently). Oh why ,don't you shut up, please! Oh, my ,dear wirfe, you've got so much to leam. I only hope you learn it one day. If only something - somethirng would happen to you, and wake you out of your beauty -sleep ! (Coming in close to /,,e,-.) If you could have a child, and it would die . Let it grow, let a recognisable human face emerge from that little mass of indiiarubber and wrinkles. (S/,,e retreats away from /,,in1). Please - if only I could watch you face that . I wonder if you might even become a recognisable human being your-seH. But I doubt it. EXIT. Afison's /,,ead goes bach as if s/,,e were about to 111alw some sound. But /1er maut/,, remains open and trembling, as Cliff loohs on. END OF ACT I