83. Jahresbericht des Bundes-Realgymnasiums Steyr 1965/66

Pacific Ocean. Beaches, sun, Hills and a cool breeze from the sea are typical. The weather stays the same all the year round and is not too bot except once around Christmas time and once in the spring when there are winds Coming in from the desert. It is so bot then that you can hardly move. The land is all dusty and füll of sand so there is nothing green growing by itself, except for about 3 or 4 weeks in winter when it rains a little: then the hills are covered with grass as high as two indies. The people are mostly Mexicans and English of course. My host-parents too came from Mexico, and when the older children were still small, they were talking Spanish fluently. The Obesos are a rather big family: They have three boys and five girls, the youngest of them, Kelly, is now one year old. Pat and Cecilia, 19 and 17, are very pretty, charming and intelligent. Both of them hold important offices in their schools. Dolores is 12 and a keen girl scout. Victor and Kenneth are doing well in grade school, while Arleen, Robert and Kelly are still at home. Before I met "my" family I had sometimes wondered why they wanted to have an Exchange Student when they were so many already. Later on they told me that they wanted to give somebody a diance to experience America as it really is and that they themselves wanted to know about some country and people different from themselves. Let me teil them this way too, how grateful I am for all the love, their kindness and their understanding. I will always remember them.