79. Jahresbericht des Bundes-Realgymnasiums Steyr 1961/62

30 stian Faith, and the classical languages which Europeans inherit in connnon. These roots are, I think, inextricably intertwined. I do not wish to be accused of inventing a new heresy to the effect that sal- vation depends upon getting a first in classics. But the culture of Europe, such as it is , is a Christian culture; and conversely, the tra- ditional religious faith of Europe, including Britain, cannot preserve its intellectual vigour unless a high standard of Latin and Greek scholarship is maintained amongst its teachers. But these considera- tions are beyond the mandate which I have assumed for this occa- sion. And I do not wish to leave you with the impression that I am asking too much of formal education, either in the sphere of religion or in that of literature: I am quite aware that an educational system cannot of itself bring about either great faith or great literature: it is, truer to say that our education is not so much the generator of our culture as the offspring of it. But those who care for the pre- servation, the extension and the advancement of our culture cannot fail to interest themselves, however unqualified they may be to pass judgement, in our classical heritage . 8 c - Klasse (P r o f. S t r e i c h e r) 1) Place in matter and in Hesh the least of the values, for these are the things that hold death and must pass away. (W. Saroyan) 2) And yet we men all over the earth are brothers and sisters ! 3) Horne Thoughts from a Distant Country MÜNDLICHE REIFEPRÜFUNG vom 2. bis 8. Juni 1962 Vorsitz: Dire/?tor Dr . Wil/1elm Slrnrefr (Bundesrealgymnasium Linz) 8 a - Klasse-: s c - Klasse: 8 b - Klasse : 14 Kandidaten 1 Reif mit Auszeichnung s Reif 5 Auf den Herbsttermin zurückgestellt 16 Kandidaten 2 Reif mit Auszeichnung 13 Reif 1 Auf den Herbsttermin zurückgestellt 20 Kandidatinnen 5 Reif mit Ausze ichnung l5' Reif REIFEPRÜFUNG im Herbsttermin 1961: Vorsitz : LaHdessdiuliHspefrtor Hofrat Dr . Anton Kränz/ 7 Kandidaten 6 Reif 1 Auf den Frühjahrstermin zurückgestellt