14. Jahresbericht des Bundesgymnasiums Steyr 1986/87

Buchausstellung vom 2. bis 6. Februar 1987 im Atombunker unserer Schule. Wie jedes Jahr unter der bewährten Lei- tung von Mag. Ferdinand Groiss. Karikatur: Steven Murphy / 7C ENGLISCH Hallo Österreichl Bericht einer amerikanischen Gast- schülerin Getting on an airplane and traveling thousands of miles away from home, is one of the most exciting and scary things !hat can happen to someone. The endu- rance; being awayfor an entire year from "Mommy and Daddy" is the experience of a lifetime. Being herein Austria wasn't particularly easy forme. Within the first two months 1 had family problems. lt was the first time 1 realized I was really ALONE. Then 1 made a new beginning with the Schu- bert family here in Steyr. Thi s gave me another, more positive chance. Certainly overcoming the obvious of pro- blems, such as: the German language, differentfoods (in which I gained over 10 kilos in three monthsl), and the basic dif- ferences in people. (Wh ich were not , and wil l never be . . easy.) To the people that wish to go away to a foreign country for a long period of time ... You have to expect a lot of change. A year is a long time, and you wi ll experien- ce emotions you never knew you had. Adapting to change is the most impor- tant and most difficult !hing to overcome. Thi s year proved to be a very successful and enjoyable experience for me. My most sincere thanks are to Professor Ecker. She saw to it that my problems were few, and that I was able to be invol- ved with school activities, such as: Süd Tirol , Ski Trip, and Vienna week. She per- sonal ly had helped me out a lot. Steyr became my home, away from home. 1have a feeling of belonging here and if I had to do this whole year all over again, 1wouldn't have done anything dif- ferent. Rebecca Weber - - ------ -------------- 73 --------- -------------