12. Jahresbericht des Bundesgymnasiums Steyr 1984/85

ENGLI SC H - 13. Mai 1985 8.A-Klasse - 1. Gruppe (Prof. Dr. Rammerstorfer) 1. The Ideal School 2. Are We Heading toward „ Brave New World "? 3. England - Melting Pot of Races 8. A-Klasse - 2. Gruppe (Prof. Ecker) 1. Education Now and Then; a Comparison 2. Li stening to the News . . ; What Are Your Thoughts? 3. All the Beauty of this World . 8.B-Klasse - 1. Gruppe (Prof. Haberfel/ner) 1. The indi vidual is only important for the part he plays in the community. 2. What does freedom mean to you? 3. Our world, wh ich we have establi shed for ourselves under great pains and which we try to sustain under all circum- stances, is inhabited by an increasing number of neurotics. Thus the question arises: could there be anyth ing wron g wi th this splendid world of ours? 8.B-Klasse - 2. Gruppe (Prof. Mahringer) 1. 1984: Has fiction become fact? - Discuss, if Orwell 's night- mare of 1984 has come true. 2. Capital punishment is the only way to deter c riminals. Argue for or against thi s statement. 3. ,,Where have all the chi ldren gone?" Childhood is certai nl y notthe happiesttime of you r life. Support or attack this view. 8.C-Klasse (Prof. Breinesberger) 1. Dueto an increasing dissatisfaction with technological pro- gress more and more people are tryi ng to develop alterna- tive lifestyles, parties, social and religious systems. Give a critical evaluation of today's ,,alternative scenes". 2. Shorter working hours, earli er retirement - more spare timefor the famil y, for sports, forfurthereducation, hobbi es . . . or what eise? 3. Family life is an importantfeature of nearly al l societies. The social unit of the famil y is not only threatened by a gap bet- ween the views of the generations, but may also be endan- gered by a temporary disharmony between the two part- ners in marriage, husband and wife. Comment upon these statements and show how conflicts can be avoided. 8.0-Klasse (Prof. Bisutti) 1. lf women want equality with men, they must be prepared to give up some of thei r privi leges as the fairer sex. 2. ' lt I were to begin life again , 1 should wantitas itwas, 1 wou ld only open my eyes a li tt le more.' (J. Renard) What may be his reasons for sayi ng so? Can this be a good advice for all of us? 3. , ,Even recently, the elderscould say, 'You know, 1 have been young and you never have been old .' But today's young peoplecan replay, 'You neverhave been young intheworld 1 am young in , and you never can be.' "(Margaret Mead) Do you think it is possibleto bridgethe generation gap, and if SO, how? ---------------------- 85 ----------------------