11. Jahresbericht des Bundesgymnasiums Steyr 1983/84

a) einen ebenso polemischen Text über die Männer (etwa 150 Worte) und setze mich b) in Gedanken und Gefühlen mit dem Problem auseinan- der, we lche Gemeinsamkeiten Männer und Frauen haben, was sie trennt, und ob und wie glückliche und dauerhafte Beziehungen möglich sind. ENGLISCH - 3.Mai1984 8. A-Klasse , Gruppe 1 (Prof. Dr. Rammerstorfer) 1. Milestones of Ame rican History 2. How to Choose the Right Profession 3. Meaningful Sport: lts Possibilities and lts Limitations 8. A-Klasse, Gruppe II (Prof. Dr. Forsthuber) 1. The State and the Individual. ldeas on individual free· dom on the one hand and the necessity for order and cooperat ion on the other. 2. Democracy - Authoritarianism - Gun Law? ldeas concerning the elements of violence and aggression in our time. 3. Plans For My Future. Give a description of the construc- tive thoughts you have about how you are going to sha- pe your future life. Consider both your work ing-career and your ideas about se lf-ver ification . 8. B-Klasse, Gruppe 1 (Prof. Bisutti) 1. Should faithfulness be one of the basic reqirements of a · man - woman relationship? 2. 'We are always responsible for the things we don't try to prevent. ' J. P. Sartre 3. ' lt 's no use going beyond the speed of light, if the direc- tion is wrong. ' Sir W. Churchill 8. B-Klasse, II. Gruppe (Prof. Mahringer) ·1. Tourism contributes absolute ly nothing to increasing understanding between nations. On the contrary , it is doing irreparable harm. Support or attack this view. 2. When 1 !hink back On all the crap I learned in high school lt's a wonder 1 can !hink at all And though my lack of education Hasn 't hurt me none 1 can read the writ ing on the wall . (from Kodachrome by Paul Simon) Write a commentary on this song and entitle your essay 'Schools - a necessary evi l?' 3. "We haven't inherited our lands from our fathers, but borrowed them from our children." (GEO) Discuss, if we care for the dangers to our environment. 8. C-Klasse (Prof. Peter Berger) 1. Has 1984 Overtaken " Nineteen Eighty-Four " ? 2. ls Modern Civilization Killing the Spirit of Adventure? 3. ls a Working Mother a Threat to the Horne? 8. O-Klasse, Gruppe 1 (Prof. Preyer) 1. The Austrian school in 2004. A positive and a separate negative utopy. (Die österreichische Schule im Jahr 2004. Eine vone in· ander getrennte positive und eine negative utopische Erzählung.) --------------------- 95 ---------------------