9. Jahresbericht des Bundesgymnasiums Steyr 1981/82

E N G L I S C H - 4. Mai 1982 52 8. A-Klasse - 1. Gruppe (Prof. Michaela Haberfeflner) 1. Women, too , have their great tasks in life - do you think that these are restricted to family life and certain parts of social life, or are you convinced that they may be realized in the world of politics and economics as weil ? 2. ,,Society must be preserved from insane preservers " - write an article to some intellectual newspaper trying to po int out the ne- cess i ty of progress. · 3. ls it a troubled world we live in? II. Gruppe Prof. Marianne Ecker) 1. The Place I Want to Take in Society 2. What Travelling Can Teach You 3. How Much Do I Owe to Other People and How Much to Myself? 8. B-Klasse - 1. Gruppe (OStR Karotine Almauer) 1. Man seeks to Bend Nature to His Own Needs and Constitutes a Great Danger for Humanity 2. Today , Private Managers and Employees are in the Same Boat and win or lose together 3. Again and Again Violence Shocks Our So-called Civilized World II. Gruppe (Prof. Helmut Bisutti) 1. The expansion of our industrialized society should not be allo- wed to take place at the expense of the countryside 2. ,The whole education of women ought to be relative to men . To please them, tobe useful to them, to care for them , and to make life sweet and agreeable to them. These duties of women should be taught them from their infancy! ' J. J. Rousseau Do you agree with the role Rousseau allocates to women? 3. ,When a youngster hurts, breaks or destroys, he is real ly cryi ng for help '. ls t_his a reasonable explanation of juvenile delin- quency?