4. Jahresbericht des Bundesgymnasiums Steyr 1976/77

I joill'ed a dance dass for a little while too. I only went three times, but I still learnd to dance better than I could before. I learned the Vienna waltz, the Cha Ch a Cha, tango , an a little rock & roll. I really enjoy going dancing now that I can do more than the Bump. In Iowa we don' t get a chance to do good da11cing. Our discotheques only play the lat,est music in Iowla. Music for the Bump, the Hustle, alittle bit of rock & roll. an,d sometimes slow music. Balls is another new thing for me. Iowa just doesn't have them. The closest thing to a ball we have is our Matura dance . We call it a Prom. And again ehe band we have plays only the latest music. I wish they knew Vienna waltz. It ' s the nicest dance and the most fon, even though it makes me dizzy . Anothet first is skiing. I never ski ed before I came to Austria . It's now one of my favorite sports. When I first began learning how to ski, I would have won the Olympic medal (if there was one) for .falling ,down. I was very good at it. But everyone sai-d it was normal for a beginner. The first place I tried to ski at was on Damberg. I thill'k the ovher skiers were glad when I went home after I tried skiing. But I think they were alittle disappoin- ted too, because I always took half the s11ow from the slopes home with me. But needless to say I can now ski pretty well aifter having taken three different , week long, ski courses . O11e week was wivh the school. Thank you , to all the Professors who were there an,d to the ones who helpend me. I thank the girls I skied with, too. The celebrations here are also different, I think the -greatest ,difforence is in Christmas. For us St. Nickolas (or better known as Santa Claus) comes late Christmas Eve, while we are sleeping. We don ' t <have Krampus or the Christkind. But we do believe the son of God w.as born on Christmas Day. The Christmas trees are very different, too . We have artificial tress with electric lights, you have real trees, with real candles. We can ' t have candles on our trees, becaus•e we have a law that says we can' t. They are afra~d of fires being started. I wish we could have them anyway, to me they help make Christmas more beautifol. New Year and Silvester are the same. We only seem to cry more, whereas here ther<?.' s more kissing clone. Faschings we don't have in America. But in New Orleans , Louisiana, they have a Mar,ii Gras. We also have Halloween, I think they are the closest thing to Fasd1in.g we have. Fasching interested me mostly, because I didn't know what it was, but 110w I know. Birthdays are the same. We ,don't have a Namenstag. As you can teU I have been busy, I've seen and clone a.lot . My terrible fhght wasn ' t an omen after all. I thi11k Austria , her people, drnrches , a!l'd her history, and cultur,e are just grea t. Sindy Schlitter , 1976/ 77, 7. B 53