4. Jahresbericht des Bundesgymnasiums Steyr 1976/77

after my tour to join my gue,st family. Soon I was sitting on .a train heacling towards Linz, where Mrs. Proyer would pick me up. We almest missed each other. But Mutti found me, and soon she was telling me everything about what we would be ,do,irng for the next week and a half . She also told me a little about the family, Steyr, and my new school. I arrived in Steyr a week ,and a half a1fter I arrived in Austria. I was really impressed when I saw Steyr for the first time. Even now it never stops impressin.g me. I like Steyr v-ery much, arud I consider it my second home. Mutti has told me some of Steyr's history. And when I think about our history in the United States, I think we are only just b eginning. Steyr is more than eight times older than my hometown, Waterloo. In fact Steyr is that much oJ.der than the United States itself . I envy Steyr's history, along with her age and beauty. Steyr also has one of the most beautiful townsquares I have seen. The city of Steyr takes me back in time. School ·here was also very new for me. But it wasn't long, until I had made new friends , and that helped make things easier. School here is alot different from school in America . I like the idea of going to school half days six days a week hetter than all ,day five ,days a week. lt ,gives the student a little chance to do some tihing eise in the aftemoon. But I still like American schools better. It's not so haPd . And we have more school activities, like sports, dances, concerts, plays, special interest programs, and Vlariety shows. I also believe both school systems have their good and bad points. 0ne question I get asked alot is „ What have you seen of Austria? " I always have a hard· time ,answering because I have seen alot. Here 's a quick run doW11 on some of the places I have been. I was in St. Wolfgang, Vienna , Linz, Freistadt, Saalbach, Salzburg, Kitzbühel, Hochkar, and many other places. I found each place just as int,eresting as the other. In St. WoUgang I visited an exhibit of ST. WOLFGANG. It was also my first look into Austria. Saal- bach, Kitzbühel, and Hochkar are wihere I leamed to ski . But 1'11 remember them for their beautiful snow covered mountains. Vienna I saw with my dass an:d Prof . Forster, and his wife. Prof. Forster k,ept us 011 the go at all times, going to museums, operas, roman ruins, and theater. But he did let us rest once, long enough to see „Ali Baba " . And it was almost the only thing the whole week I 1111derstood. Visiting places is only about half of what I have done during my stay he~e. I went 011 my first long hike here in Austria . I also went with the school once. I have never seen or been in real mounta:ins before· this. Iowa is very flat , and the closest thing to mountains there is the hills. Prof . Pöllhuber really knew what he was ·doing when he took our dass wondering. We went from Gasthof Schoi'ber to Losenstein. We were a group of about fourteen, thirteen girls and one Professor. We started our hiking day very weil, but before it end,ed, we had lost seven girls and three others, induding me, ended up taking a mud bath. We spent a!tnost seven hours walking, but we still had fun. In fact one o.f us was still enjoying himself when we .finally arrived in Steyr again. W,e bad stopped at a Gasthaus and a restaurant, before we came home on a train. 52