4. Jahresbericht des Bundesgymnasiums Steyr 1976/77

MY TIME IN AUSTRIA have spent almost a full year in Austria. Al11d during this time I have seen and done many new and intersting things. I have learneid more from actually being here than I did just from readin,g a·nd studying books. I would like to share some of my experiences. For someone from a fairly small town in Iowa her fligiht to another country or even to another town can be very exciting or ve,y ,scary. My flight was a mixture of both. I had a lot of problems, some were technical, and there was a strike at an airport in Spain. I waited eight hours in Chicago, when I shouJ.d have only had to wait two hours for my plane. Then in Amsterdam J w.aited for thirteen hours for my plane to Vie111ia. Believe me, twentynine hours to come from a town in Iowa to Vienna is ,a long time. Especially when most of the time was spent sitting in the airports. But even though the fligbts were terrible, the people were nice and helpful. They really help, when you need help or are scared. The people are the people who work for the airlines and who have flowi1 before. My flight was so had , I almost thought it was an omen, as to how my year was going to be . I'm ,glad it wasn't. I finally arrived in Vienna at 2 :00 a. 111. Monday morning. Boy, was I tired! After I had arrived, I was given two messages . One sakl to call the party who were to ,pick me up ... they weren't home. The other said for me to take a bus or a taxi to this a,ddress, this was where I was to .spend the night. A very nice ,girl helped me to get a taxi, and soon I was on my way through Vienna . I almost fainced, the taxi driver ,drove so fast. Later on, on Monday, after I h ad had some sleep an,d breakfast, I was feelin.g better. My ·first ,day here in Austria was a rainy day . But it didn't stop me from taking a tour through Schönbrunn. I was fascinated, I had only seen castles on TV and in books . I really liked it, everything was interesting. But the tour changed my mind aibout wanting to live in a castle. They are just too cold. I was to leave Vienn.a shortly 51