3. Jahresbericht des Bundesgymnasiums Steyr 1975/76

8. C- und 8. D-Klasse (Prof. P. Berge,) 1. Nicht gut, nidlt schlimm ist, was die Götter geben, Und der Empfänger erst macht das Geschenk" (F. Grillparzer) (5 Kandidaten -der 8 D) 2. Der Stellenwert des Sports in unserer Zeit (14 Kandidaten der 8 C und 12 Kandidaten der 8 D) 3. Die Krankheiten des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts, wie sie sich in den Werken moderner Autoren spiegeln (8 Kandidaten der 8 C und 2 Kandidaten der 8 D) ENGLISCH - 12. Mai 1976 8. A-Klasse (Prof. Forstl-iuber) 1. Which Are, in Your Opinion, the 'Dead.ly Sins of Civilized Humanity', as Konrnd Lorenz Puts it? 2. Interpret the Following Text and Discuss the WoDk it is Taken From: William Golding: Lord of the F1ies 3. Democracy - Gun - Law - Authoritarianism? Ideas Concerning the Element of Violence in Our Time, and Attempts of States to Cape With the Problem. 8. B-Klasse (Prof. Ecker) 1. What Are the Foundations of Good Education 2. Mass Media and Their EHects upon Mankind 3 . Black and Wllite - Race Problems in America 8. C-Klasse (OStR Streidter) 1. Has Progress Made us Happy and Free? 2. Do not Judge People by their Appearance, Judge Them by Their Deeds ! 3. The lncidents or Occasions Same of the Photographs in My Collection Recall to Me. 8. D-Klasse (Prof. Berger) 1. England's Contribution to European Culture 2. Why Sbould We Help the Developing Countries - and in What Way? 3. ,,No man is an island, entire 0 1 f itself" (John Donne) LA TEIN - 13. Maii 1976 14 8. A-Klasse (OStR Streidter) M. Tullius Cicero: De natura deorum III, 83-85 (partim) 8. B-Klasse (Prof. Sdtuster) Lactantius: Divinae Institutiones VI 10, 4-12 8. C-Klasse (Prof. Mayer) Plinius, Epist. IX, 36 s. D-Klasse (OStR Grandy) Plinius. Epist. VIII, 24